Key Benefits
The VM8 has everything you need to enjoy an incredible exercise experience and also relax and soothe your tired muscles all in one place.
The options available for the VM8 allow you to customize your swim spa with everything you need to help you have the best exercise and relaxation experience possible.
Standard VM8 features include:
Attribute Set
Swimming has long been known as the ultimate zero-impact exercise and is widely prescribed by physicians to shape, tone, and rehabilitate the body. Your swim spa uses a powerful water propulsion system that works together with its open floor design for a quality workout. The observation seats and well-marked swim lanes provide the optimum swim training center for your entire family.
A wide variety of aerobic and strength training exercises are possible with a swim spa. Aqua jogging is especially effective as the deep water neutralizes the effects of gravity while increasing resistance. Add in resistance bands for an all-around low-impact workout program.
When you are finished working out, sit back and relax in one of the massage seats to experience unparalleled full-body care and recovery.